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Trolleys of dead farmed dogs wheeled out of lab after 'cruel, painful and short lives'

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Exclusive: Trolleys of dead farmed dogs wheeled out of lab after 'cruel, painful and short lives'

Actor Ricky Gervais said it was 'heartbreaking to hear these puppies crying out for mercy and help' as farms breed dogs for painful experiments that see them force-fed chemicals

Video LoadingVideo UnavailableClick to playTap to playThe video will auto-play soon8CancelPlay nowHarrogate: Beagle bodies wheeled out of animal testing labByNada FarhoudEnvironment editor19:55, 22 Sep 2021Updated20:21, 22 Sep 2021|comments

Trolleys of dead farmed dogs in plastic bags are wheeled out from a testing lab, in new footage obtained by campaigners.

In another clip, a van arrives at Labcorp in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, showing workers dressed in full chemical protective clothing.

As a second laboratory door opens, dogs can be heard inside the lab whimpering.

Actor Peter Egan, who is part of a campaign to ban testing on dogs said they “suffer with no pain relief or anaesthetic.”

He said: “The machine-like conveyor belt delivers man's best friend into a toxicity testing laboratory.

“Inside the lab, dogs endure experiments that can involve being force-fed chemicals for up to 90 days.”

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A worker wheels out of the lab

The new footage comes comes weeks after protests outside MBR Acres, in Cambridgeshire believed to be the biggest beagle farm in Britain for animal testing.

Each year thousands of dogs are bred at these farms for "painful toxicity" experiments conducted in labs across the UK including Labcorp, campaigners say. Commonly they leave at 16-weeks-old. Many dogs are killed at the end of the experiments.

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In June the Mirror revealed footage, also obtained by the group Free the MBR Acres Beagle, which showed workers piling dogs into overcrowded trolleys, some by the scruffs of their necks. Other dogs could be heard whimpering in crates as they are loaded into lorries for transportation.

Each year thousands of dogs are bred in "factory farms" each year for "painful toxicity" experiments conducted in labs across the UK, campaigners say. Commonly they leave at 16-weeks-old. Many dogs are killed at the end of the experiments, according to animal welfare charities.

Workers dressed in full chemical protective clothing with the van

The actor Ricky Gervais, 60, is among those who have called for the farm, owned by the American company Marshall BioResources, to close. They are also calling for all laboratory animals to be included under the protection of the Animal Welfare Act, and its 'unnecessary suffering' clause.

Protesters say many of the dogs are destined for a "cruel, painful and short life" and that the experiments do not help in the search for human treatments and cures. The company insists it is "dedicated to maintaining high standards of animal welfare" and that its work "is critical to human and veterinary medical progress".

The van at the Labcorp testing laboratory

Peter Egan is patron of a group called For Life on Earth (Floe), which wants the government to launch a pioneering "public scientific hearing" on whether animal experiments can predict responses in human patients, with independent scientific experts as judges.

The Downton Abbey star, 74, added: "I'm deeply shocked to learn that laboratory animals are excluded from the Animal Welfare Act, and the protection of its 'unnecessary suffering' clause.”

Boxes are carried by the van

He called for Early Day Motion (EDM) calling for the hearing ”to end the failed practice of animal experiments" which has been tabled by MP Lisa Cameron.

Renowned primatologist Jane Goodall has also backed the idea.

Ricky Gervais added: “ It's heartbreaking to hear these puppies crying out for mercy and help, from inside the lab.

“We need an immediate ban on this shocking animal cruelty, which is also clearly holding back medical progress. That's why I support a rigorous public science hearing on animal testing, judged by independent experts from the relevant science fields.”

Ricky Gervais called for the farm to close ( Image: K9 Magazine)

A spokesperson for Labcorp Drug Development said: “We take very seriously our ethical and regulatory responsibilities to treat research animals with the greatest care and respect.

“In addition to being the right thing to do, the proper care of research animals is fundamental to sound scientific research and the ability to develop life-saving and life-enhancing new medicines for cancer, deadly infections, heart disease, leukemia, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, cystic fibrosis, and many other disabling diseases.

Stills taken from the footage

“New drugs must be tested in animals before human clinical trials to ensure the safety of patients and volunteers and there are clear links between excellent animal welfare and medical breakthroughs.”

UK law requires all new medicines to be tested on two live mammals, one of which must be a large non-rodent, before a potential new drug is tried on humans.

The new footage has been obtained by campaigners

Latest figures show dogs were used in 4,227 experiments in 2019. Beagles were used for 96% of them.

Beagles are often used for repeat-dose toxicity testing, which typically involves giving a dog a daily low dose of a candidate drug for several weeks. It will then be killed and its organs examined for damage.

People for the Ethical Treatment on Animals says most of the drug testing sees dogs repeatedly force-fed or forced to inhale substances for up to three months to measure the effects on their organs and nervous system.

'Animal experiments entirely failing'

- Comment, by actor Peter Egan

Peter Egan said: "I'm deeply shocked to learn that laboratory animals are excluded from the Animal Welfare Act, and the protection of its 'unnecessary suffering' clause. The 1986 Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act effectively enshrines animal suffering by means of legal definitions, whereby an animal experiment becomes a 'regulated procedure' to cause pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm to a 'protected animal', which encompasses all living vertebrates other than humans, under the responsibility of humans. Therefore, identical acts of deliberate animal cruelty, potentially punishable by custodial sentencing under the Animal Welfare Act, are immune from prosecution under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act.

Peter Egan has teamed up with Ricky ( Image: K9 Magazine)

"Leading experts, including those at the British Medical Journal and the Food and Drug Administration, today report that animal experiments are entirely failing the search for human treatments and cures. The 2003 Human Genome Project, with its current knowledge about evolutionary biology and complexity science, explains why animals tests have a 90% fail rate.

"We all need to campaign with the science hearing called for by Parliament EDM 175, to end the failed practice of animal experiments and redirect funds towards human-based research, which has a proven a track record of success.

"I urge everyone to please sign and share my Parliament Petition: 'Change the law to include laboratory animals in the Animal Welfare Act'. It already has over 70,000 signatures, please help me reach 100,000 signatures so the petition can be debated in Parliament."

In defence of animal testing

- by Wendy Jarrett, Chief Executive of Understanding Animal Research

"Medical progress depends on the three pillars of lab bench research, human research and animal research, and scientists use all three together. Each provides a piece of the puzzle that the others do not, but it’s no coincidence that most Nobel prizes for Physiology or Medicine are given to scientists whose key discovery came from their work using animals. Every medicine or vaccine available to us and our pets was developed and tested, in part, using animals.

Wendy Jarrett is Chief Executive of Understanding Animal Research

"Most research is not about drug testing, although if something is safe in animals, 9 out of 10 times it turns out to be safe in stage 1 human clinical trials. Instead, most animal research is about knowledge. If we understand a disease, we can defeat it. Maybe that’s in the form of a vaccine or medicine, developed and tested using animals, or maybe it’s by preventing infection or disease in the first place.

"For an animal experiment to be allowed by the Home Office, the potential benefits of the research – new knowledge or treatments for diseases that affect us or our pets – must outweigh the harm caused to the animals.

"Legally, animals can’t be used for research in the UK if there’s an alternative, so if an animal is used it’s because there is currently no other way to do that particular piece of research. The UK is a world leader in funding alternatives research, and everyone hopes that in future we will find more non-animal methods that can be used in research."

Against animal testing

- by Dr Ray Greek, President of Americans and Europeans for Medical Advancement

"Over a century ago, science studied animals and humans on a very superficial level. Humans share many characteristics with dogs, monkeys, rodents, and other animals. For example, hearts pump blood while brains think.

"Based on these early successes, animal experimenters were eager to continue using animals as human surrogates. But failure soon followed for the same reason success was seen first.

"Evolution keeps parts that work, for example, hearts and brains. But at the level where disease occurs, the processes are very different. This is true among, as well as within, species.

Dr Ray Greek is President of Americans and Europeans for Medical Advancement

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"The very small changes in the genetic make-up of different species result in one dying from a medication while another will not be affected, while a third might benefit. After the effect of a drug is known from human studies, an animal can usually be found that reproduces the human response.

"This is not the same as predicting how a drug will perform in humans.

"Current science explains why mass-producing animals like dogs, to supposedly predict human response to drugs and disease, is an exercise in futility. This reality should be confirmed by impartial scientists, in the hearing outlined by Parliament EDM 175, followed by animal experimentation being banned. This will benefit humans and animals."

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